The thought came to me one night to give a miraculous medal to the gym desk employee the next time I went to the gym. The idea stuck with me so I knew it was from the Holy Spirit. Two days later I went to the gym with the medal on my person, although I will admit I wasn’t excited about the idea of starting an out-of-the-blue faith conversation with someone to which I only say, “Good morning,” and, “Have a good day,” when I see him. I eventually worked up the courage (the first miracle) and went to the desk. The conversation went like this: Me: “Hi. This is totally random and I hope you’re not offended, but my church passed out these miraculous medals for us to give away to whomever we were inspired to give it to and a few nights ago I thought I should give it to the gym worker the next time I was in. Would you like it?” Worker: “Uh, sure.” Me: “Are you familiar with the miraculous medal?” Worker: “No.” Me: “Well, Jesus’ mom, Mary, appeared to a nun in France in the 1800’s and asked that this medal be made. It was and there were so many miracles when people wore it that it is called the miraculous medal. For example, if Mother Teresa wanted to buy land for her work and the man wouldn’t sell it to her, she’d throw a few miraculous medals on the property and a few days later, the man would call saying he wanted to give her the land.” Worker: “Cool. Anything helps, right? So what am I supposed to do with it?” Me: “You can wear it or carry it in your pocket or attach it to your keychain. If you think someone else needs a miracle, you can pass it to that person.” Worker: “Thanks.” And that was the gist of the conversation, awkward, not seemingly very fruitful, but at least he was open. I saw him at the desk a few times after that and it was like the conversation had never happened, but I’d pray for him as I passed the desk. Then, about two weeks after I gave him the medal, he came up to me with a big smile and almost excitement. He said, “You know that medal you gave me? After you gave it to me, it was discovered that my brother had a 100% blockage in one of his veins or arteries [I didn’t catch which he said], but it was caught in time to be taken care of. I just wanted to let you know.” So he connected this just-in-time medical intervention and the miraculous medal. Praise the Lord!
When visiting our aunt in Texas she always shares how she is the only one in the family who has fallen away from the church. I started praying for her and for whomever I would give my medal to. She decided to go to mass with the family visiting, after she shared she wept at the consecration and her mother and husband that both recently past in the last 5 years came to mind. As we departed our time with her I gave her my miraculous medal to remember Mary is always praying for her. Her heart was so touched she cried thank you tears and gave me a big hug and said she would love to have it and put it on.