the modern culture has left christianity behind. we should not be surpised that such a culture takes us away from christ. We should not be surprised that it doesn't bring us to him. a recent study through the Peyton family institute gives some numbers to this reality. only 15% of catholic families successfully pass on the faith to their children (determined minimally through the child's faithful attendance at Sunday Mass as an adult). This percentage was 40% in 1977.
in such circumstances, what can we do as individuals, as families, as a parish? On all three levels We need to first admit that once effective models of Faith Formation are less effictive than ever. Through much prayer, thinking, and discussion we at st. max believe we have a means forward. We are calling these 10 gatherings (to take place on Wednesdays) "The Art of living".
The goal of these evenings is to provide a space in which an authentic catholic culture can be nourished. One learns a foreign language and its culture by being immersed in that country. Let us make a space to be immersed in prayer, family time around the dinner table, christian conversation, some christian thought & good wholesome fun.
Registration and other details will be hammered out soonly.