For information regarding First Reconciliation or First Communion, contact Andrew Zeisel at [email protected]. Two information meeting will be held for families in september... one for those in the school and one for those not in the school. Exact date, time, and location is published in various avenues for at least a month prior. Some information regarding First Communion and Reconciliationcan be found below:
1) Families not enrolled in the school will need to register for Journey Home (Family Faith Formation) HERE
2) We use the Signs of Grace curriculum for in the home formation. The Parish provides these items for you after your sign up for Journey Home/Family Faith Formation. Click this LINK to see what the curriculum looks like. Cost of curriculum (including parent + child retreat) will be $40.
3) Materials will be available in October after Masses in the gathering space or by pick up in the Parish office.
4) Optional overview meeting will take place on Oct 1st after the 10am Mass. One on one meetings are available by appointment.
5) First Reconciliation & First Communion occurs in April of 2024. There are 6 Mass options to choose from. We plan to have no more than 6 first communicants at each of the Masses. An e-mail will be sent out in December requesting people select their date and time for Holy Communion.
6) A Parent Retreat is required for parents of our 1st communicants. It will take place on March 19st (7-9pm), at the SJ Campus, Conference Room.
7)The child and parent retreat takes place at the SP Campus in Martha Hall & concludes with First Reconciliation. The options are
8) Lastly, we have found that the Rescue Project is a truly helpful opportunity for parents to grow in their own faith and to witness to their children that the faith is not something just for children to learn or develop in... we all can have more Jesus and Catholic community in our lives. Click HERE for more info on Rescue. Sign up for September/Fall offerings of Rescue can be found HERE. We will offer Winter and Spring Rescue Project experiences as well.
While they were eating, Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and giving it to his disciples said, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins.” And a voice came down from the heavens, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased." - Matthew 26: 27-30