Confirmation, like the other sacraments is a unique encounter with Jesus. In this encounter, our longing and desire to serve as Christ’s soldier is blessed by Jesus with an outpouring of the life and gifts of the Spirit.
In Confirmation we are spiritually equipped to join Jesus on the battlefield, to share the Good News, to make present the Kingdom of God, to fight for God’s glory and to fight for the salvation of souls; i.e. join Him in His Mission.
Viewing confirmation with the lens of conflict, strife, combat, and battle captures a certain quality of the Christian life and our participation in Jesus’ Mission that is easily overlooked or forgotten. Christ came to save the world, to unite His people in perfect everlasting union with the Trinity in Heaven, and give us a foretaste of this union here on earth. This is a Mission worth fighting for.
Occasionally, for various reasons, an individual has not been confirmed while in his/her childhood or youth. Adults who are not yet confirmed are invited to call the parish office to make arrangements to celebrate this sacrament.